VW Golf Automatic Transmission Fluid
Change of VW Golf’s automatic transmission fluid? Using our website information you will become able to complete VW Golf automatic transmission fluid change by yourself! Our posts are geared toward assisting other automobile owners with DIY tasks because I take delight in performing our repairs.
VW Golf Automatic Transmission Fluid Change
Hello, buddies! This short and simple DIY demonstrates how to replace your “lifetime” VW transmission fluid. While you should be able to complete the task yourself for roughly $20, including the 17 mm Allen head socket, I believe our local dealership wanted $130 to do it. All manual MK4 VWs or new Beetles should use the same DIY. For this purpose, I am certain that our 1.8T and the “2.0 slow” are the same, and I also think the VR6 is the same.
Your automobile must not be automatic for this DIY to function. You must warm up automatic autos to a specific temperature and perform several other particular tasks before using them (that’s what you get for not learning how to drive a real car). On our website, you can also try to reproduce lost VW radio codes for free!

Equipment For The Job
- A socket wrench and a 4-inch extension (optional).
- Transmission fluid.
- Funnel and hose.
- 17 mm Allen head socket or 16 mm tamper-proof triple square socket (depending on the automobile).
Harbor Freight item #67880 sells a set of 17 mm sockets (4 mm to 17 mm) for about $10. The 17 mm in that set is a 1/2 inch “drive). If you only need the particular socket, AutoZone component #25285 (designed for a 3/8”) is the lowest I’ve been able to locate it for “drive). A 16 mm tamper-proof triple square socket is used by some cars, but it’s a bit of a specialized socket; if your car needs one, expect to pay $10 to $20 on eBay.
I’m not certain whether there is a pattern or explanation for which automobiles use which drain plugs, but I believe this plug is used by 2003 and later models. The socket I have has the component number XZN16MH. According to a search for “in 16,” it will cost $15 on Amazon. If you don’t already have a funnel and hose, you can purchase them at Ace Hardware for approximately 30 cents per foot and a set of funnels at the dollar shop.

Level Your Car Before You Change or Flush Transmission Fluid
What are the things that you need to do before performing VW Golf automatic transmission fluid change procedure? Fluid for transmission (“Oil”). You have the final say in your decision. There are brass components in our transmissions, and some oils will chew them away. You should therefore use “yellow safe fluid,” oil that is suitable for use on brass. I endorse Pennzoil Synchromesh and have successfully utilized it on all of our dubs. You’ll need to purchase two bottles from any auto parts store for around $7 each. In addition, Redline MT-90, which I have never used, has been suggested by others. For roughly $20 per liter, you can purchase OEM oil at the dealership if you so choose. A 6-speed 20th or GLI will need 2.4 liters to fill; standard 5-speed MKIVs will utilize 2.1 liters.
Your automobile must be level to change the fluid, and there are two ways to enter the area underneath your car: one is simple and the other is difficult. Parking in front of a curb that slopes down or drops off will allow you to reach the drain outlet if your automobile is at stock height or slightly lower. Since the ground in our parking lot slopes downward, I just put our car on a speed bump to keep it level. If you decide to remove your bumper, you may easily access the drain plug and your dogbone mount and replace your bushings while doing so. You can jack up the car’s four corners and place it on jack stands if you want to do it the difficult way.
Use Lubricant Spray
To help dislodge the accumulation of dirt and filth around the threads, I like to spray a little Liquid Wrench around the drain plugs. Then, using an old toothbrush (or your roommate’s), clean the area.

Take the Fill Plug off. The last thing you need is to drain the oil only to discover that you can’t put more in. The fill plug can be seen on the driver’s side if you get on the ground and look up beneath the bumper. A curved hardline (power steering line?) that gets in the way on some cars requires an extension for your socket wrench, but on the majority of vehicles, you should have no trouble reaching it. Pull out the plug, loosen it, and give it a thorough cleaning.
The driver’s side drain plug is close to the dogbone/pendulum mount and is easily accessible from the front of the vehicle. Prepare your container to catch the fluid by getting the plug nice and loose so that it is dripping. Low broad oil bowls that appear like they would work perfectly for this job are available at AutoZone for $2.99, but I’m too cheap to buy one.
Use your fingers to completely unfasten the plug before letting it fall into the container. Wear gloves or try to avoid getting this stuff all over your hands and arms because it stinks so badly.
Let It Drain
Maybe 20 to 30 minutes would be enough time for it to entirely drip out of there. With the use of a stick or something similar, remove the oil’s drain stopper, and then thoroughly clean it. With your fingers, screw it back. The amount of torque that should be applied to tighten the plug is not specified in the Bentley handbook. I turned the screw until it was snug, around 22 ft-lb.
Fill up again
Finally, you are at the end of the VW Golf automatic transmission fluid change process! Run the hose to the fill hole from the top of your engine and insert it. It is preferable if you can peek under the car as someone else adds your oil if you have assistance. One 32-ounce bottle of Synchromesh can be poured in completely. The second bottle will only be used for roughly half of what the first was intended for. Once the fill hole begins to leak, remove the hose. Then screw the plug in place, and then tighten it with a socket wrench. Boom! Good to Go! You’re finished!

Take that bad guy for a spin and relish your seamless transitions. Pour some cat litter on the massive oil spill you likely just caused in the parking lot if you want to be considerate. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this article is accurate and true. Content is provided solely for informational or entertainment reasons. It should not be relied upon as a substitute for consulting with a lawyer. Also or other qualified business, financial, legal, or technical professionals.